Public Works
We work hard to fulfill the Public Works Department's missionPublic Works
The Public Works Department enhances the quality of life in Glencoe by maintaining the city’s infrastructure, public rights-of-way, and facilities to ensure they are safe, clean, and attractive. The Public Works Director for the City of Glencoe and oversees the city’s Street Department, maintenance, sanitation, and Parks and Recreation.
Some of the City of Glencoe Public Works duties include:

Street Department
Parks & Recreation

The team works hard to fulfill the Public Works Department's mission statement:
"We strive in all aspects of public works for safety, functionality, beautification,
and being good stewards of the citizens trust."
Get in Touch
You can reach City Hall at 256-492-1424 Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 4 pm or via email. He will be glad to assist you.Email
(256) 492-1424