Permits and Licensing

Discover engaging in a business requirements
business in glencoe


Some types of business activities within the City of Glencoe require a permit. Permits are issued on a per job basis. Generally, permits are related to construction activities. New construction, additions, and remodeling all require permits. Roofing, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing work also requires separate permits.

Todd Means

Glencoe City Inspector

Have question?

For more information about permit requirements, you can contact our Code Official, Todd Means, at City Hall Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm and he will be glad to answer any questions you have.
Business in glencoe


Any person or entity engaging in a business activity within the city limits of the City of Glencoe is required by law to obtain a city business license prior to engaging in such activity.

Glencoe business licenses start out at $114.00 per year and are calculated based on the previous year’s gross receipts for business activities within the City of Glencoe. Business licenses are issued on an annual basis and expire on December 31st of each year.

Some types of business licenses, such as contractors and beauticians, for example, are state regulated and require proof of state certification, and other state regulated activities. If your business is state regulated, please bring a copy of your state certification with you.

Once your initial business license is issued, you will automatically receive a renewal notice before it expires to remind you to renew your license for the next year.

Tashia Blackerby

City Clerk

Have question?

To apply for a Glencoe business license, visit our City Clerk, Tashia Blackerby, at City Hall Monday through Thursday from 8 am to 4 pm and she will be glad to answer any questions you have.