Mayor Hare called the meeting to order. Present were, Councilman Colt Turner, Mayor Chris Hare, Councilman Cody Rampey, Councilman Jeff Little and Councilman Danny Wagnon. Councilman Chris Sims was absent
Mayor Hare gave the invocation.
Councilman Wagnon made a motion to approve the hiring of Pam McCord for the administrative clerk job at level 2 step 10 on the administrative pay scale. Councilman Little seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Little made a motion to approve the new 911 Contract with Etowah County for $ 95,351.53 a year. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
With no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Little made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.
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