Mayor Hare called the meeting to order. Present were, Councilman Colt Turner, Councilman Cody Rampey, Councilman Jeff Little, Councilman Danny Wagnon and Councilman Michael Sizemore.
Richard Johnson gave the invocation.
Mayor Hare asked the Council to look over the minutes of the June 11, 2024, regular meeting, and note any changes to the City Clerk. Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve the minutes. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve accounts payable from June 12-June 24, 2024. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve the purchase of an ad for the Messenger for the football preview magazine a ¼ page ad for $ 250.00. Councilman Wagnon seconded the motion. All the others voted aye.
Councilman Turner made a motion to surplus the spray mister to Hokes Bluff for 1.00. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Little made a motion to purchase swat team equipment for Dalton Roberts for $ 2,178.00. Councilman Sizemore seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Sizemore made a motion to allow the attorney to draw up a contract with Peytona LLC to allow them to use our right-of-way the butts up to the Hungry Hut. That if they ever sale the property the right-of-way reverts to the city. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Little made a motion for the city to purchase a table for the FCA Victory Banquet for $ 250.00. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Little made a motion to enter a contract with Axon Enterprise, Inc. for 66 months for a total cost of $ 73,913.78 for body cameras for the Police Department.
Councilman Little made a motion to purchase a tablet for the court clerk up to $ 1500.00. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Turner made a motion to go into executive session to discuss an employee issue. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Turner made a motion to reconvene. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
With no further business to come before the council, Councilman Turner made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
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