Council Minutes for September 28, 2021

Mayor Hare called the meeting to order. Present were, Councilman Colt Turner, Councilman Cody Rampey, Councilman Jeff Little, Mayor Hare and Councilman Chris Sims.

Councilman Little gave the invocation.

Mayor Hare asked the Council to look over the minutes of the September 14, 2021, meeting and note any changes to the City Clerk. Councilman Little made a motion to approve the minutes. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve accounts payable from September 14-September 27, 2021. Councilman Wagnon seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Wagnon made a motion to approve a preliminary traffic study/count by Skipper Engineering in the amount of $ 2,500.00 to apply for an ATRIP 2 grant application for a signal at the intersection of Green Valley and Hwy 431. Councilman Little seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Little made a motion to approve a Resolution 21-12 to approve paying for Police Vehicles out of the American Rescue Plan funds in the amount of $ 111,115.00. Councilman Wagnon seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Little made a motion to approve Resolution 21-13 to approve paying for Police Guns out of the American Rescue Plan funds in the amount of $ 9,281.00. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Wagnon made a motion to approve Resolution 21-15 to enter into an agreement with Alabama Dept of Transportation relating to Public Transportation with full funding by the Federal Transit Administration to provide a new Van for the Senior Center. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve Resolution 21-16 to approve paying for Practice Batting Cages for softball and baseball at the park out of the American Rescue Plan funds in the amount of $ 48,213.00. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve using Municode for the codification of our Ordinances at a cost of $ 14,250.00 to initially put them on-line and then a cost of $ 450.00 per year and $ 19.00 per page to update or add new ones to it. Councilman Wagnon seconded the motion. All voted yea.

Councilman Wagnon made a motion to approve Resolution 21-17 to approve paying for the codification of our Ordinances by Municode out of the American Rescue Plan funds in the amount of $ 14,250.00. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Little made a motion approve Resolution 21-18 to approve paying for the Police Vests out of the American Rescue Plan funds in the amount of $ 5,000.00. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve Resolution 21-19 to approve paying for the Lights on the field at Independence Park out of the American Rescue Funds in the amount of $ 41,750.80. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Little made a motion to approve Resolution 21-20 to approve paying for the Police and Fire Salary from March 2021 to September 2021 out of the American Rescue Plan Funds in the amount of $ 135,192.46. (Half of payroll for police and fire). Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Wagnon made a motion to approve Resolution 21-21 to approve paying for the City’s new website/email/social media program out of the American Rescue Plan Funds in the amount of $ 10,000.00. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Turner made a motion to allow Mayor Hare to sign a contract with Etowah County E911 for dispatching services for 2021-2022 year at a cost of $ 86,885.00. Councilman Wagnon seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Turner made a motion to allow Mayor Hare to get someone to cut down a dead tree at 408 Belmar Circle at approx. $ 2,800.00. Councilman Little seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Little made a motion to surplus property on Gov-Deals: 2012 Dodge Charger, 2008 Crown Victoria, 1990 American General M998 Hummer and 1997 American General M998 Hummer. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Little made a motion to allow Chief Johnson to take Fire Engine 44 to the Talladega Super Speedway from September 30-October 4, 2021. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.

Councilman Turner made a motion to allow the Church on Main Street to have a second sign located on Main Street side. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.

With no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Turner made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.

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