August 24, 2021
Mayor Hare called the meeting to order. Present were, Councilman Colt Turner, Councilman Cody Rampey, Councilman Jeff Little and Mayor Hare. Councilman Chris Sims was absent.
Councilman Little gave the invocation.
Mayor Hare asked the Council to look over the minutes of the August 10, 2021, meeting and note any changes to the City Clerk. Councilman Little made a motion to approve the minutes. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve accounts payable from August 6-August 23, 2021. Councilman Wagnon seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Wagnon made a motion to approve the 2nd reading of Ordinance 21-03 Noise Ordinance. Councilman Little seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Little made a motion to approve for Dalton Roberts and Joseph Richey to attend a 5- day class in Jacksonville on Basic Tactical Operations Course at a cost of $ 385.00 each. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Little made a motion to approve for Scott Anderson to attend a 2-week class in Talladega for a Traffic Homicide Investigations class for $ 1200.00. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Little made a motion to approve the purchase of 3 vehicles for the police department. One 2021 Chevrolet Silverado and two 2022 Chevrolet Silverado at a cost of 31,705 each. These are on the state bid. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Turner made a motion to approve the bill for the topographical survey of Paden Bridge for the paving project on Air Depot Road. The bill is $ 4,200.00 to Brent Means Land Surveying, LLC. Councilman Wagnon seconded the motion. All voted aye.
Councilman Wagnon made a motion to allow Dr. Ro to shoot her show Food Court in our Council chambers on September 26, 2021, for 10 hours. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted yea.
With no further business to come before the Council, Councilman Wagnon made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.
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