Council Minutes February 13, 2024

Mayor Hare called the meeting to order. Present were, Councilman Colt Turner, Councilman Cody Rampey, Councilman Jeff Little and Councilman Michael Sizemore. Councilman Danny Wagnon was absent.


Richard Johnson gave the invocation.


Mayor Hare asked the Council to look over the minutes of the January 23, 2024, regular meeting, and note any changes to the City Clerk. Councilman Little made a motion to approve the minutes. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve accounts payable from January 23-February 13, 2024. Councilman Sizemore seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Turner made a motion to purchase the pipe for the Barber Street project. The pipe will cost $ 1,980.00 per 20 ft sections of 48” pipe. We will need 60 feet for a total cost of $ 5,940.00. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Little made a motion to approve for Larry Walker to do a topographical survey of the park area at a cost of $ 4,500.00. Councilman Wagnon seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Rampey made a motion to approve an ad in the Progress Edition of the Messenger at a cost of $ 200.00 for ¼ page color ad. Councilman Sizemore seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Little made a motion to bid the purchase of a new F-150 responder truck from Buster Miles in the amount of $ 46,000 plus 13,900.00 for up-fitting it. Total cost of $ 59,900.00. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Little made a motion to raise the pay of the firefighter/Paramedics to level 2 step 12 (Scott Wolf, Michael White, Jon Hamlin, and David Divine. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Little made a motion to raise the firefighter/Medic to level 1 step 12 (Charlie Taylor). Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Rampey made motion to approve the wrap for Todd Means truck in the amount of $ 1350.00 to Freestyle Graphics. Councilman Turner seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Rampey made a motion to go into executive session to talk about business incentives for new businesses. Councilman Sizemore seconded the motion. All voted aye.


Councilman Little made a motion to reconvene the council meeting. Councilman Rampey seconded the motion. All voted aye.


With no further business to come before the council, Councilman Turner made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Sizemore seconded the motion. All voted aye.


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